Final Exams
Section A: Wednesday, Dec 13 at 8:00 am - 10:50 am
Section B: Monday, Dec 11 at 11:30 am - 2:20 pm
Melinda McDaniel
Office: CCB 135
Office Hours: T 1:30 - 3:00 and W 2:30 - 3:00 Other times by appt.
Head TA
Daniel Barrundia
Benjamin Wellington -
Caroline Kish -
Catherine Liu -
Christine Feng -
Cory Brooks -
Daniel Marcos -
David Wang -
Elena May -
Erica Chia -
John Wood -
Kelly Zou -
Lucille Wang -
Marcus Wilder -
Nicolas Rodriguez -
Nikita Bawa -
Rodrigo Mejia -
Soni Aggarwal -
Tiffany Xu -
Where to Find your TA
Help Desk or TA Office Hours will be held in the College of Computing - CCB 107A. Schedule of Help Desk hours will be posted on T-Square. You may see any CS1301 TA for help.
Course Objectives
Programming Language and IDE
The language used in this class is Python. The software is free and can be downloaded here. Python has an interactive development environment (IDE), IDLE, that is pure Python and comes as part of the download. Python is a high-level programming language that supports multiple programming paradigms: object oriented, imperative, procedural, and functional programming styles. Your TAs will guide you in installing the software when you meet with them at the first week's recitation.
Online Free Textbook
How To Think Like a Computer Scientist: Learning with Python 3 by Peter Wentworth, Jeffrey Elkner, Allen B. Downey, and Chris Meyers.
All course information and resources can be found in T-Square to include: Syllabus, Assignments, Submissions, Announcements, Grades & Feedback, Resources, etc.
The code from each lecture will be posted on T-Square under the Resources tab by the end of the following day.
T-Square is NOT forgiving about due dates and times.
Course Components
Grading Policies
Grades are calculated using the following percentages:
There is no curve in this course. Scores do not round up. You must have 90.0 or better to get an A, 80.0 or better to get a B, etc...
Test/Exam Policies
Tests are our primary means of assessing your understanding of course material. They focus on applying concepts and skills learned in homework to new problems. There are no makeups for missed exams and missed in-class assignments. Any request for exceptions to this policy must be made in advance when at all possible. If you miss a test/exam without a valid excuse, then you receive a 0. Any request for relief from the consequences of this policy must follow the Excused Absence Policy.
Excused Absence Policy
Documented incapacitating illness, death in the family, judicial procedures, military service, or official school functions. Please contact the Dean of Students with your excuse and they can inform you of the proper procedures. The Dean of Students Office will then contact your professor directly with any accommodations to be provided. Be aware that documentation must be provided on letterhead with the signature of a physician, supervisor, or other appropriate official.

Again, all excuses are to be taken to the Dean of Students Office directly, and not sent to your professor or TA.
Homework Submission & Responsibility
Turning in homework properly on T-Square is solely your responsibility. T-Square will send you a confirmation email. Do not delete that email. If you do not get the email, then trust that we did not get your HW submission. You should get the email almost immediately. After submitting your file(s) for a HW, reload T- Square going to the Assignments link within the CS1301 tab. Look at the assignment in question. You should now see that it says it has been submitted and when. Download a fresh copy of the file that T-Square has, saving it to a new folder, and reload and run that file. This is genuinely the only way to know for sure that what you think you uploaded to T-Square 1) is indeed your intended code, 2) is successfully uploaded to T-Square, and 3) is functioning code. Failure to upload the proper file(s) for a homework assignment will result in a zero for the assignment. Files that do not load or run also receive no credit.
Grade Disputes
All grading disputes must be initiated within one week of the grade being made available. Present grading disputes to the Head TA rather than your individual grading TA as this helps fairness and oversight. Follow the chain of command: if the Head TA does not resolve the matter, see your Instructor.

All regrade requests must go through the Head TA. This applies to all graded material ~~ Homework, Labs, Quizzes, Tests and Final Exam.

Should you find yourself having an issue with a grade, contact the Head TA. Regrade forms will be made available.

It is your responsibility to ensure that all the grades in T-Square are correct before finals week. After that, the only grade discussion will be about grading your final exam. Any discussion of your grades after the final exam must be done in person, and cannot occur until the 3rd week of the next semester you are in school.
Weekly workshops are highly encouraged and take place on Wednesdays, see Oscar for the schedule. Workshop sessions consist of smaller groups (max 25) and are led by two TAs. The weekly workshops are designed for hands on help, and easier interaction with the material. Workshops begin at the start of the semester. Laptops are required. Lecture and Workshop Attendance is required, and it is assumed you are attending.
Email Policy
Use your official GT email account when corresponding with the instructor or TAs to protect your privacy. Include [CS1301] in the subject line of the email, followed by a brief description. For example, “[CS1301] lost homework 3”. Be professional in the email. Sign your name in the email.
Academic Honor Code
Every Student is expected to read, understand and abide by the Georgia Tech Academic Honor Code. Collaboration Policy Academic misconduct is taken very seriously in this class.

Homework assignments are collaborative. Your homework assignments may be evaluated via demo or code review. During this evaluation, you will be expected to be able to explain every aspect of your submission. Missing a demo without a valid excuse will result in a zero for all assignments scheduled to be demoed.

You are expressly forbidden to supply a copy of your homework via electronic means. If you supply an electronic copy of your homework to another student and they are charged with copying, you will also be charged.

Collaboration with other students currently in this CS 1301 class is an important learning method. The following explanation will help you understand collaboration. Students may only collaborate with fellow students currently taking CS 1301, the TA's and the instructor. Collaboration means talking through problems, assisting with debugging, explaining a concept, etc. You should not exchange code or write code for others. Each individual programming assignment must be coded by you. You may work with others, but each student must turn in their own version of the assignment. Each student must turn in a unique program. Your submission must not be substantially similar to another student's submission. Collaboration at a reasonable level will not result in substantially similar code. Submissions that are basically identical will receive a zero and will be sent to the Dean of Students Office of Academic Integrity.
Course Expectations
Readings should be completed before class on the date indicated on the Calendar.

Take notes on paper during the note-taking portion of the class, then program along with the instructor during the programming portion of the class. Use Piazza to have discussions about course material with your classmates and the TAs. Never post code on Piazza however! Do your homework and go to recitation every week. Do not skip lecture. Occasionally short quizzes may be given in lecture or recitation. These short quizzes (called Reality Checks) will make sure you are keeping up.
How to succeed in this course
Learning to program is like learning a sport. It takes actual practice to become comfortable and proficient at coding. The assignments that are given are opportunities to learn the material that you will be responsible for on tests and the final exam. Use collaboration wisely to help you learn. Take responsibility for your course work submissions; it is your job to make sure that you successfully turned in what you meant to turn in. Be sure to verify your submission. This is how you make sure that you get credit for the work you do.

Be prepared when you go to get help from a TA or your instructor. Bring your work with you. Take initiative. Begin your assignments early and if you think you need help, come prepared. Use the resources that are provided for you, and be determined to succeed from the start.

Remember that just doing the homework is not enough. You also are expected to read the book, attend recitation, attend lecture and review the material often.
No Assignments Released yet...
Section TAs Time Location
A1 Christine & Cory Thur 4:30 CoC 101
A2 Elena & John Wed 4:30 Instr Center 113
A3 Caroline & Rodrigo Thur 4:30 Instr Center 109
A4 Daniel M. & David Wed 4:30 Van Leer C241
B1 Cathy & Nikita Thur 4:30 Bunger-Henry 380
B2 Soni & Marcus Wed 4:30 Instr Center 211
B3 Cathy & Nikita Thur 4:30 Bunger-Henry 380
B4 Erica & Tiffany Wed 4:30 Instr Center 213
Mon Tues Wed Thur Fri
9:30am LECTURE- SECTION A Lucille & Caroline & Cathy LECTURE- SECTION A Cathy & Soni LECTURE- SECTION A
10:00am LECTURE - SECTION B Lucille & Caroline & Cathy & Ben LECTURE - SECTION B Cathy & Soni & Ben LECTURE - SECTION B
10:30am LECTURE - SECTION B Lucille & Caroline & Cathy & Ben LECTURE - SECTION B Cathy & Soni & Ben LECTURE - SECTION B
11:00am Elena HELPDESK CLOSED- TA MEETING Elena Elena Christine & Soni
11:30am Erica & Cory & Elena HELPDESK CLOSED- TA MEETING Erica & Elena Elena Cory & Christine & Soni
12:00pm Erica & Cory Tiffany Erica Tiffany & Ben Cory & Soni
12:30pm Erica & Cory & David Tiffany Erica & David & Kelly & Ben Tiffany Lucille & Cory
1:00pm David & John Tiffany David & Kelly Lucille & Tiffany CLOSED
1:30pm David & John Nikita & Christine & Rodrigo David & Caroline Nikita & Christine & Rodrigo CLOSED
2:00pm CLOSED Nikita & Christine & Rodrigo Caroline Nikita & Christine & Rodrigo CLOSED
2:30pm CLOSED Nikita & Rodrigo Caroline Nikita & Rodrigo CLOSED
3:00pm CLOSED Marcus & Kelly & John Daniel M. Marcus & Kelly & John CLOSED
3:30pm CLOSED Marcus & Kelly & John Daniel M. Marcus & Kelly & John CLOSED
4:00pm CLOSED Marcus Daniel M. Marcus CLOSED